A Green Plan That Benefits Everyone

‘We are committed to being partners…’

In an op-ed published by The Sun Chronicle, Matt Allen, vice-president of W.H. Riley & Son, Inc., says that the home heating industry stands ready and willing to help reduce emissions in the Northeast – if only lawmakers will recognize renewable liquid heating fuel as part of the solution.

“W.H. Riley & Son, and the entire heating industry in Massachusetts and across the Northeast, recognize the need to combat climate change,” writes Allen. “We are committed to being partners in legitimate, impactful climate change activities that will achieve the goals set out by the Legislature. Legislative leaders, however, have ruled out any possibility of biofuels being part of the solution, despite the many hurdles presented by other alternatives.

“The plan put forth by the Northeast heating industry … will reduce Massachusetts’ greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero in three decades — the same goal sought by our state leaders and by companies like ours.

And it will achieve that goal without burdening families financially or leaving their homes chilled when temperatures plummet.”

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